Friday, September 29, 2006

The Beginning of the End - Reichstag 2.0

Today will be remembered for the rest of history as the day that democracy died in the United States of America. A country that started in open, armed rebellion against a tyrranical dictator named George has just signed into law an act enabling a tyrranical dictator named George to, under color of law, repeal the Constitution. The bill signed into law today is nothing less than the end of our Republic (ironically enough, at the hands of 'Republicans'), and the final birth of the fascist state that the United States has been gestating for seven decades or more.

Just as the representatives of the German people gave their Führer unlimited power, so have the representatives of the people of the United States given their President unlimited power. The power to detain indefinitely any person on the face of the Earth under color of law and beyond the writ of Habeas Corpus is unprecedented in the Western World. It is nothing less than a return to the dark ages.